“LUSAKA High Court Deputy Director of Operations Edward Musona yesterday sentenced MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba and three others to five years imprisonment for corruption.Musona, sitting as a magistrate, handed Kalumba a five-year sentence with hard labour after being found guilty on one count of corrupt practices by a public officer.He sentenced former finance permanent secretary Stella Chibanda to five years simple imprisonment on five out of the nine corruption charges while Access Financial Services Limited (AFSL) directors Aaron Chungu and Faustin Kabwe were also jailed for five years each with hard labour.Magistrate Musona also sentenced former Ministry of Finance chief economist Bede Mpande, former finance ministry director of budget Boniface Nonde, former secretary to the treasury Professor Benjamin Mweene to five years imprisonment with hard labour but suspended for 24 months.”
While I welcome the success scored by the Task Force on Corruption in this case, I am rather disappointed by the leniency showed by the court to this bunch of selfish and unpatriotic Zambians. Lets be clear about one thing. As a result of actions by these plunderers, our schools went without teachers and desks, our hospitals had no drugs and doctors, communities were deprived of clean running water and other essentials of life. Funds that could have been used to uplift the living standards of our people were diverted for personal use. It is therefore rather disappointing that the court found that the stiffest sentence it could slap on these people is 5 years. They will probably be out tomorrow after launching an appeal. Look at Regina Chiluba. A convicted plunderer still enjoying her freedom and fruits of her theft!
The lawyer for Katele did not seem to realise how angry the people of Zambia are with the actions of his client by offering this rather pathetic plea.
“In mitigation Kalumba’s lawyer, Vincent Malambo, said Kalumba and his colleagues in the dock were not criminals but men to whom the country owed a debt for their contribution in addressing the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) completion point issue. Malambo said Kalumba was also a politician carrying the hopes and aspirations of thousands of his people in Chiengi and he was a man with health complications. Malambo said Kalumba was a consultant of international repute. Malambo said sending Kalumba and his friends to prison would be like imposing a death sentence on them. In passing sentence, magistrate Musona said no one could doubt the love that Kalumba had for Zambia and he had served the people in various portfolios. He said Kalumba was a sitting parliamentarian who served the country very well up to the commencement of the investigations.”
As a country we need to wake up and smell the coffee. We need to send a very clear message to all that theft of public resources will not be tolerated. The courts need to come hard on anyone convicted of this offence by imposing long custodial sentences. I know our prisons are full but surely there is always room for plunderers.
Now that Katele Kalumba has been convicted, I would expect the 'honourable' MP to resign from Parliament and as Secretary of the ruling Party.